
Széchenyi Chain Bridge - Budapest, Hungary


Connections help lead us to where we are meant to go.

Take a moment and ponder this…

Are there any connections in your life that have led you to discovering your passion or purpose?

Maybe you have many you could list or maybe those momentous connections are just upon the horizon. My hope for you is that these connections will lead you to a life filled with abundant peace and joy because that is what we can have when living out the passion and purpose we were designed for.

As this is a site geared towards travel and books, I wanted to share about a connection that inspired that.

I was recently visiting some family and on this particular day while heading to Barnes and Noble (who else visits book stores every time they travel?!), my dad started to share the remembrance of how we came into our love of WWII historical fiction novels.

One day at the office, over a handful of years ago, a previous coworker of his came over to chat with him about the latest book club book. My dad, not the overly chatty type at work, started to be somewhat intrigued by the conversation. The book club book being discussed was All the Light We Cannot See. After work that day, he phoned me, describing the book and conversation he had, then recommended we purchase the book and read it together. At this point, I was not an avid reader and had not read a book for fun in years - yes, it’s true! His interest and excitement at this prospect peaked my interest and so, it was meant to be. We read through the book together, messaging about parts that captivated us and scheduled calls to discuss the segment of the book we were reading at the time - essentially creating our own little book club without the intention to do so and let me say, it was invigorating! It was as if new life was breathed into me. From that point on I was hooked!

Reliving this part of my life’s journey that I had forgotten about had me marinating on and realizing even more the importance connections can have. Life is too short. We were created to live life in community and take time to embrace the conversations and connections that come our way. Thinking more about this situation with my dad’s coworker, if he had brushed her off saying “he was just too busy” or some other excuse, we would have missed out on a pivotal and special time of bonding and connection between the two of us, as well as a real development of passion for WWII fiction novels.

Flash forward to the present day…

I have read countless novels in this genre and am now able to share and write about these books I love so much and that have impacted me greatly. All of this due to a conversation that was had and a connection that was made.

So, dear discoverer, never overlook or underestimate any conversation or connection that you make. Take the time to pause throughout your day. Work and all the things that can come with each day will always be there, but you don’t want to miss out on a chance where you could experience a life-changing moment, a connection that can lead to a future that is more than you could ask or imagine.

Much love,


River Cruising


Yotties’ Week