Göttweig Abbey

Göttweig Abbey - Krems, Austria


It is amazing how many places around the world we have yet to see and experience, or even come to know about.

Can you think of an experience like that? An experience that is so unique, whether it was during research before your trip or you happen upon it on your trip?

For me, one of these experiences was Göttweig Abbey.

Planning for our Viking River Cruise, we were watching Viking TV and found an episode on the monastery. I had never heard of Krems, Austria let alone Göttweig Abbey and was intrigued to watch. The video takes you through what life is like living at the monastery through interviewing Benedictine monk, Father Pius Nemes. He shares his experience at the abbey and what it is like to live there currently, as well as takes us through the abbey’s history which dates back to 1083. After watching the video, learning more about modern monastic living and the history of this grand abbey, I was excited to get to Krems and explore, as well as to meet Father Pius in person. Watching his interview and the joy he carried made me that much more eager and I was hoping he would be there.

Fast forward to the cruise and disembarking in Krems…

Upon arriving in Krems, it was early morning, the air was cool and the sky was a silvery grey. The town charms you with it’s baroque style architecture mixed with buildings covered in red-tiled roofs and pastel color bases. Meanwhile trees of golden leaves surround the town perimeter along the infamous Danube River while serene vineyards serve as the backdrop.

We head onto the Viking buses, which take us on a scenic 15 minute drive to the monastery.

Getting off the bus, it is easy to see how impressive this monastery is. Sitting above the vast and gorgeous Wachau Valley, it is magnificent in it’s appearance, size, and style. As we head to the entrance, expectation and excitement increases. It is in the main foyer that we are greeted with welcome drinks of apricot wine or juice produced from the monastery’s orchards and vineyards. Behind the serving station, to my amazement, is Father Pius! Being in person, he is the same peace and joy-filled man that you experience through his interview on Viking TV.

After greeting, we head to watch a short introductory video on the history and current activities of the monastery, which is informative and insightful. Once the video completes, we then head outside and split into 4 tour groups and are assigned a guide for the rest of our time there. Doing this tour with Viking was exceptional as they make it exclusive and intimate just for you. We were able to see the entirety of the monastery with no other people or tourists around other than those who opted to go from the cruise. The buildings were immaculate and the scenery impeccable. It was truly awe-inspiring. I have never had an experience like this before. Walking around this breathtaking historic site you will be amazed by all it houses:

  • A museum, chronicling its 900-year history as a center of religious life and monastic retreat.

  • An imperial staircase that is covered by one of the largest and most striking ceiling frescoes in the world.

  • Royal rooms showcasing exquisite artwork from the abbey’s own collections.

  • A church with an elaborate interior inspired by the neoclassical period (pictured above).

When the tour ends, you take the stairs located towards the back of the monastery, but continue going down the dimly lit hallway covered in cream colored brick into a lower level where you are greeted by a beautiful wine tasting area. You can sip on the wine made specially by the monks at the monastery while looking at local art that is showcased around the room.

Art, wine, frescos, imperial staircases and rooms, historic buildings, beautiful structures and scenery - what more could you ask for?!

Now, I want to take it back to the start of our tour….

Can you guess the guide assigned to our specific group?

Queue drum roll.

If you guessed Father Pius, you are correct!

Before the tour he tells us that being a guide is something he normally does not do. He just happened to that day because the person who usually does could not attend and they needed someone to take over (coincidence? I think not!).

As we begin our journey through the monastery, for our first stop we come to a lookout point over the Wachau Valley. Picture this: rolling hills, vineyards, the beautiful and picturesque town of Krems below with the majestic monastery in the back. In this exact moment, it begins to snow. Yes, SNOW! Beautiful white flakes start to fall from the sky blanketing the ground, adding a peacefulness and childlikeness that wasn’t there before. The whole scene is captivating.

It is here that Father Pius says, “How amazing! This is the first snow of the season. Do you know what it means when it snows? It means the angels are moving.”

The angels are moving. Snow is falling. Each snowflake unique in its own design as is this experience was to us.

So, dear discoverer, research or look for those special, distinctive, once in a lifetime experiences that will mark you and stay with you forever. You never know who you will meet or what you will discover along the way. There are so many significant moments to be had, you might just have one right around the corner.

Much love,




River Cruising