Sip and Savor

Na břehu Rhôny (wine bar) - Prague, Czech Republic


Any wine lovers out there??

If so, get ready….

I’m going to take you on a journey through wine AND book pairings!

That’s right! Not wine and cheese, but wine and books! If wine isn’t your thing, checkout Art of Tea and their amazing tea options (Earl Grey Crème Tea is a definite must try!) to sip as you read along.

Grab a glass of your choosing, get cozy, and lets get started!

  1. The Winemakers Wife paired with Moët & Chandon Impérial This book intertwines two time periods - 2019/present day with 1940s Champagne, France where we learn about the resistance of some of the most famous champagne houses (Moët & Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, etc.) against the German occupation in that region. Before reading this book, I was not aware of the history of Moët & Chandon and the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), which was established on April 12, 1941. Robert-Jean de Vogüé, who was the managing director of Moët & Chandon, took the initiative and became the person appointed by CIVC to negotiate with the Germans. Highly recommend reading this meticulously researched, beautiful and inspiring story while sipping on a chilled glass of champagne, and as Kristin Harmel says, “Every time I sip a glass, I know the magic contained in the bubbles is more than just a trick of fermentation and carbonic gas; its a testament to the blood, sweat, and tears of generation upon generation of winemakers. It’s an ode to the perseverance of the human spirit.” After reading this book, you’ll not just be sipping on a glass of champagne, but actually tasting a part of history.

  2. The Paris Daughter paired with Whispering Angel Rosé Taking us to 1939 Paris, this story of two mothers and the difficult choices they have to make before the onset of WWII is captivating. It’s a story of courage, love, survival, family, and resilience. It also highlights the relationship between mothers and daughters. Wonderfully written, you will not want to put this book down. Add in a glass of this French rosé and your afternoon is set.

  3. Beyond That, the Sea paired with Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc This story takes us to both sides of the Atlantic Ocean beginning in London 1940 where two working class parents make the tough decision to send their only daughter, Beatrix (Bea), to America for safety, escaping the London bombings. As the war years go on, Bea becomes a part of her American family, so much so that her family in England begins to fade as she adjusts to her new lifestyle and spending her summers on the coast of Maine. After the war, Bea dutifully heads back to London to begin her life anew there, but finds that her American family is still heavy on her heart and mind. Trying to make sense of these two different lives, themes of love, loss, forgiveness, and understanding emerge. This is so well written that you will feel a part of the story and the characters lives. Pair this story with the Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc and you’ll be right there at the sea with Bea.

  4. Eternal paired with Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Transporting us to Rome in the 1930s and the rise of Fascism into the Nazi occupation, this story is both heartening and heartbreaking. It is centered around three main characters and how their lives and their families lives are affected due to war and sacrifice. Brilliantly written, you will not want to put this book down! Have a glass of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo next to you and you’ll be tasting Italy as you journey through it in Eternal.

  5. The Women of Chateau Lafayette paired with Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon Based in France, this story takes us through the lives of three heroic women in three different time periods (1774, 1914, 1940), which are all centered around a French castle (French castles - what’s not love?!). It’s exciting, captivating, and audacious. It is a story of strength and overcoming adversity to accomplish great things. If you want to travel back in time to a French chateau, read this book, sip on a glass of Chateau Montelena’s cab, and you’ll be speaking French before you know it!

  6. The Librarian Spy paired with Quinta do Monte Xisto Tinto If you love libraries and spy novels, this book is for you! This story was inspired by America’s library spies during WWII, which prior to reading this book I had little knowledge about. Set in 1941, we read about the lives of two women set in two different places, Ava in Lisbon, Portugal and Elaine in Lyon, France. They are both fighting against the Nazis with Ava working to preserve information on microfilm to send to the US to help with the war effort, and Elaine waking for the French resistance. This is a fascinating story that will keep you at the edge of your seat! Don’t forget to grab that glass of Quinta do Monte Xisto Tinto to add to your Portugal experience.

  7. Where the Sky Begins paired with Rombauer Chardonnay Set in 1940 London, this is a heartfelt story that is beautifully written and draws you in with the characters who you’ll fall in love with, becoming a part of their lives feeling as though you’re living out the story with them. The book is centered around Josie, who loses everything during the London Blitz and gets evacuated to the country where we meet a variety of characters and see new opportunities arise for Josie. Themes of mystery and hope, love and loss are interwoven throughout. This is a book you can easily cozy up with savoring the story along with a glass of chardonnay.

  8. The Paris Library paired with Miraval Rosé Transporting us to 1939 Paris, this fascinating story is based on the librarians of the American Library who resisted against the Nazis and provided heroic service by operating an underground book-lending service to Jewish members barred from libraries. The library workers risked their lives for each other, the library and it’s books. It’s a story of the power of books to bring freedom and hope in such a dark time of history. Pair this beautiful story with this wonderful rosé for an inspiring afternoon.

  9. The Last Garden in England paired with Gérard Bertrand Cote des Roses Rosé This is a lovely and captivating story that interweaves the lives of five women and transports you to England through three different time periods. This sounds like a lot, but the writing is well thought out and beautifully done. If you love historical fiction and gardening (or walking through gardens admiring the beauty like myself), you will love this book! Paired with the elegantly bottled Cote des Roses Rosé (and maybe some fresh flowers), you’ll set yourself up for a beautiful day!

  10. The Secret Book of Flora Lea paired with Domaine Vacheron 2021 Le Pavé Sauvignon Blanc (Sancerre) This enchanting story has elements of mystery, war, love, family, hope, and healing. You will be captivated into a world with the magic of storytelling and fairy tales, and how books and stories can play an important part in our lives. We are taken through two different time periods in England - 1939 and 1960. Beautifully interwoven, we learn about Operation Pied Piper and how the young sisters, Hazel Mersey Linden and Flora Lea Linden, are evacuated to Oxfordshire where young Flora disappears without a trace. The story flashes forward to 1960 where Hazel is working in London in a rare bookshop and happens upon a book that shocks her and instills a flame of hope that Flora may be alive. You will be immediately immersed in the lives of Hazel and Flora, touched by this wonderful story, you will not want to put it down! Sip on this delightful Sancerre as you journey through this charming story, dreaming though the land of Whisperwood.

So, dear discoverer, I hope you try out and enjoy these wine and book pairings (or some Art of Tea) as you embark on new journeys through different periods and lands, escaping to castles, gardens, libraries, and maybe even a fairy tale or two, let your imagination run wild and embrace the adventure!

Much love,


Beyond Bestsellers


Pivotal Moment